Feヒーローズ 序盤の効率良い進め方まとめ ファイアーエムブレムヒーローズ Appmedia
Estimated SP Earning Cost Including all prerequisites, inheriting a passive skill requires at least 525 SP This can be farmed quickly in the Training Tower starting from the 7th and 8th Strata, where players can get 12 SP for every four foes defeated At least 44 battles (about 8 Orbs) are needed to gain the SP needed to learn Inherited spを獲得できるタイミングは以下の4つ ・敵を倒す ・味方のhpを回復する ・lvが上がる ・限界突破 spを入手させたいキャラにこれらの行動をさせることで効率的にspを貯めることができま